Mark Armstrong
phone 289-689-8404
Software Engineer, M.Sc. Computer Science web


Software Engineer Index Exchange, Toronto ON, Sept 2021 - Sept 2024

  • Worked on the core application API team, developing APIs in Go.
    • Focus on user/account management, authentication and authorization.
    • Incorporated technologies including Ansible and Redis.
  • Practiced DevOps using Docker, Kubernetes, Helm, GitLab CI/CD and ArgoCD.

Sessional faculty McMaster University, Hamilton ON, 2014 - Dec 2020

  • 5 appointments for teaching “Principles of Programming Languages”.
  • Planned and prepared lecture materials and assignments/tests including both written and programming evaluations.
  • Supervised teaching assistants.

Teaching assistant McMaster University, Hamilton ON, 2014 - Apr 2021

  • 15 appointments, primarily to courses on programming language theory and discrete mathematics.
  • Prepared and led tutorial sessions and office hours, marked student work.
  • In some instances, appointed to supervise other teaching assistants.

Research assistant McMaster University, Hamilton ON, Summers 2010 and 2012

  • Independently researched on topics selected by supervising professors.

Embedded Systems Test Dev, Intern Blackberry, Mississauga ON, May 2011 - Aug 2012

  • Developed automated tests and test systems for Blackberry GPS systems.

Portfolio Full version at

Project Contributions Skills
consistent-window-splits Creator, Emacs Lisp
(Emacs package) sole contributor  
Ansible community.general PR #9494 Python, Ansible, Keycloak
Keycloak modules    
Sample Breakout game Creator, Typescript, GitHub actions,
  sole contributor Excalibur.js engine
org-agda-mode Co-creator, Emacs Lisp
(Emacs package) contributor  
unicode-sty Co-creator, LaTeX, GitHub pages
(LaTeX package) contributor (


Ph.D. in Computer Science (incomplete) McMaster University, Hamilton ON, 2015 - 2022

  • Investigated mechanising models of computability over real numbers using automated proof assistants.
  • 3rd place in 2019 McMaster Computing and Software poster competition.
  • Coursework and comprehensive examinations completed. Thesis not completed.
  • GPA: 11.75 on 12 point scale.

M.Sc. in Computer Science McMaster University, Hamilton ON, 2013 - 2015

  • Investigated classical computability results in context of computability over real numbers.
  • GPA: 11.75 on 12 point scale. Graduated with distinction.

B.A.Sc. in Computer Science McMaster University, Hamilton ON, 2008 - 2013

  • Awards each year for academic excellence and/or highest GPA in computer science program.
    • Including Gerald L. Keech medal for highest graduating GPA in computer science, 2013.
  • GPA: 11.1 on 12 point scale. Graduated with distinction.



Graduate studies scholarships and fellowships

Name Years held Value
NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship, Doctoral 2017 - 2019 $42,000
Ontario Graduate Fellowship 2016 - 2017 $12,000
Dean's Excellence Engineering Doctoral Award 2015 - 2018 $127,500¹
NSERC Canadian Graduate Scholarship, Masters 2014 - 2015 $17,500
Ontario Graduate Scholarship 2013 - 2014 $15,000

1. Included guaranteed teaching assistant employment income for those years.


  • Maintaining my setup/configs for Emacs and other tools (, to build a collection of well-documented tips and tricks.
  • Represented McMaster Computing and Software at the Ontario Universities Fair in 2015 and 2016.
  • Church secretary, board member, music and youth leader, and kids programming volunteer at Hamilton Mountain Church of the Nazarene, 2007-2015.

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Author: Mark Armstrong

Mark Armstrong


Last updated: 2025-01-23 Thu 21:53

Created using Emacs 29.4 (Org mode 9.6.15)
