External resources

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

This course has no required textbooks or external resources.

However, herein are contained a number of recommended resources, along with information about what those resouces may be useful for.

Elsewhere in the course, we may refer to external resources using acronyms, or using authors names. Both are documented here.

The collection is roughly organised by the principal topic of the resource.

2 “Principles of Programming Languages” texts

2.1 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs   SICP

2.2 Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming   CTMCP

2.3 Principals of Programming Languages   Dowek

3 Texts on specific programming languages

3.1 Programming Language Foundations in Agda   PLFA

3.2 The “little” series

Author: Mark Armstrong

Contact: armstmp@mcmaster.ca

Original date:

Last updated: 2020-09-02 Wed 17:22

Created using Emacs 27.0.90 (Org mode 9.3.7)
